Saturday, July 11, 2009

Amy's Bistro Burger

Amy’s Bistro Burger is one of the few vegan, gluten free burgers on the market. Other choices include Sunshine Burgers and Bahama burgers.


Nutrition: I’d prefer these guys have a bit more protein but otherwise I have no health related complaints. Five grams of protein, about 100 calories, and a reasonable sodium level. Not bad for a frozen delicacy.

Taste: If you make one of these bad boys on the stove top then top it with a little bbq sauce and guacamole you will notice a real burger-y quality. It’s not a disturbing Oh My God this tastes like meat quality, just a yummy one. There’s not much to say besides that these are divine, and easily the best gf vegan burger available at your local health food store.

Value: Things get unfortunate here. Usually it’s about $5 for 4 of these tasty morsels. This is pretty standard for veggie burgers but these tend to run at least 50 cents higher than their gluten containing counterparts. You are much better off cost wise preparing your own veggie burgers (but that’s hard) or simply eating tofu or tempeh (I microwave mine to make it super easy).

Overall: Delicious but sometimes hard to find.

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